Sword course in Leeds – Oct 29 and 30

On September 21, 2011, in General, by gordonfong

Jason Gallagher and Peter Edwards have organised a course in Leeds at the end of October. Sueyoshi Akeshi and Jorge Rosa from Portugal will be coming across to teach. They have been to the UK many times teaching in the North East at Peter’s club and also in Norway.

This will be a general introduction and the course is open to all. You don’t have to be a member to attend. Any grade is allow to come. You will need to bring a bokken (wooden sword) and possibly a jo (short staff) although there may be some limited spares on the day.

If you have an iaido sword, blunt edge, then that is allow.

No shinken, live blades are allowed.

Training times:
From 11am – 3pm each day.

£50 for the two days, or £30 for one day.

Fearnville Leisure Centre
Oakwood Lane

Contacts: Jason mobile telephone 07971 345 277 or e-mail c/o sally_thums@yahoo.co.uk

Further details on hotels will also be available soon.


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