Photos from Instructors Course, April 2011

On May 14, 2011, in General, by gordonfong

Unfortunately I was not able to be there, but was in Spain on holiday and had worse weather than at home it seems.

A big thank you for Glyn Curtis who took the photos for Sensei.

For more photos, see the Instructors Course page.

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Winter Course soon

On February 10, 2011, in General, by gordonfong

See you all in Guildford for the Winter Course.

If in doubt, there will always be a gathering at the Premier Inn straight after training. At night you will usually find someone in The Stoke Pub.

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Instructors Course in April 2011

On December 6, 2010, in General, by gordonfong

Maya is asking that people should register as soon as possible, by the latest 28th March 2011 so that food for the buffet can be ordered in advance.
You can register by email, fax or post.

This course is ONLY for Wado Academy dan grades.

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