Squad Training report

On September 21, 2011, in General, by WadoG

A report by Peter Hill

The fourth national Wado Academy squad training of the year took place on Sunday 11th September at Sensei Arthur Meek’s full time dojo in Bridgwater, Somerset. Nearly thirty Wado Academy members attended including some young members attending for the first but hopefully not the last time!

Due to the forthcoming international event at this years Wado-Ryu Karate-Do Academy National Championships there were places available with regard to the senior team and places available for the cadet team. After quite a number of matches a squad was picked for the international event at the national Wado-Ryu Karate-Do Academy championships which are being held at the Bradley Stoke Leisure Centre, Bristol on Saturday 15th October. The successful members who were chosen were:

Senior Team
Paul Hedden (Devon), Jamie Bowen (Worcester), James Bolton (Devon) and Gareth Jones (Worcester)

Cadet Team
Ben Welsh (Bristol), Sheldon Herron (Worcester) and James McCann (Devon)

There was also referee and judges training with six senior dan grades attending helping out with all the matches and using this to gain further knowledge and experience. In addition to this they spent about an hour working on the theory aspects to officiating. Many thanks go to all the assistant coaches for giving up their valuable time and passing on their experience. Many thanks also go to Sensei Arthur Meek for the kind use of his dojo.

Finally we hope and ask for as many Wado Academy members and their families to please come and support the boy’s named above in Bristol on Saturday 15th October.


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