Squad Training Report

On July 25, 2011, in General, by WadoG

The latest Wado-Ryu Karate-Do Academy national squad training took place recently in Farnham, Surrey on Sunday 17th July. Around thirty members attended from all over the country and it was really good to see Joe Bale of Budo Juku back with the squad after his considerable time in Japan.

After the warm up with head coach Peter Hill 6th Dan, assistant coaches Matthew Soanes 4th Dan and Riaz Ahmed 3rd Dan took over and put everyone through their paces with the kata Chinto. After a short break all three assistant coaches Leeroy Ellis 5th Dan together with Matthew and Riaz taught various kumite skills and drills. To finish the session quite a number of practise matches were held and this also allowed for some referee and judges practise.

Many thanks go to Corin Pegden 3rd Dan and his dojo for hosting the session and to Glyn Curtis 1st Dan for the photo.


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