29 April 2017 – Bournemouth course

On December 20, 2016, in General, by gordonfong

Saturday 29th of April 2017 – there will be a course in Southbourne starting from 2pm to 5pm.

All proceeds will be forwarded onto Shiomitsu Sensei.

Training has been booked for the Saturday for definite. Still looking to see what is available on Sunday, but it may be that we go for a session down the beach with a picnic and beers afterwards.

This is being held with the spirit of friendship in mind, so the course is open to all. We will have plenty of time to enjoy the local ale houses and should have time for a late Sunday lunch as well.

I am hoping that some of the seniors in the Wado Academy will be able to teach on the course, and who knows, you might even get me for a short period.

Contact Gordon Fong for further info by email or Facebook – gordon@fong.co.uk


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