2016 Winter Course report available

On March 13, 2016, in General, by WadoG

Sensei Robert Howell’s report on the 2016 Winter Course is now available on the official Wado Academy website.

Click for: 2016 Wado Academy Winter Course report


2016 squad training sessions

On January 15, 2016, in General, by WadoG

Academy Squad Training 2016


Sunday 22 Nov, 2015 – Farnham Course

On November 21, 2015, in General, by WadoG

From Corin

Final reminder from me about this weeks 2 hour seminar with Sensei Arthur Meek.
Sunday 22nd Nov at 10.30am.

Venue is Weydon School gym, Weydon Lane, Farnham. GU9 8UG.

There is plenty of parking at rear of school, if you can’t park in the front.
Enter through main front reception for the gym.

Cost is £12, grateful if you can bring the correct change.


2016 Winter Course forms available

On October 21, 2015, in General, by WadoG

You can download the form from the Wado Academy Courses page.


Some December course dates

On October 5, 2015, in General, by WadoG

3 December 2015 Sensei A Meek course at Ren Bu Kan Bulford, please contact Sensei Rob Howells for further details.

13 Decemeber 2015 Sensei R Howells at Farnham Karate Club, please contact Sensei Corin Pegden for further details.


2015 Oct licence increase

On September 7, 2015, in General, by WadoG

Unfortunately Wado Academy membership will have to increase from £25 Senior and £17 junior to £26 Senior and £18 junior as from 1st October 2015.  This is due to the EKF (English Karate Federation) increasing individual registration by £1 per student from that date.

All new applications and renewals received on or after 1st October 2015 will be subject to the new rate.



Oct 11, 2015 – JMAC course

On September 7, 2015, in General, by WadoG



2015 Summer Course report

On August 17, 2015, in General, by WadoG

Wado Ryu Karate-do Academy – Summer Course 2015 Report


Sensei Robert Howells MBE


“Shinkenmi ni Teshi”

(be serious in everything)

This year’s summer course was held in Lymington Leisure Centre. During the five days of training over 70 student’s attended from the Wado Academy, both here and in Europe: namely from: Finland, The Netherlands, Germany, Italy, France, Norway, Ireland and of course from England, Scotland and Wales.


As can be seen from the photograph above the Chief Instructor of the Academy, M. Shiomitsu 9th Dan Hanshi Shihan visited the course on the Sunday and everyone was delighted to see Sensei walk with the aid of a stick. His progress is remarkable since the start of his illness and shows what a determined spirit he has to over come adversity.

Kazutaka Otsuka Sensei was not at the course this year, due to the sad passing of the Second Grand Master of Wado Ryu, his father, in late June. Consequently, Kazutaka Sensei has had to return to Japan to deal with his father’s affairs and it has been confirmed that he will be proclaimed the Third Grand Master of Wado Ryu Karate-do on 29th August 2015 in a special ceremony in Japan. All members of the Academy wish him well and success in the new responsibilities he now has by becoming the worldwide head of Wado Ryu. We look forward to seeing him at future Wado Academy courses in his new role.

Continue reading »


Peter Edwards – November course

On August 13, 2015, in General, by WadoG

Peter Edwards Sensei will be holding a course in November with the proceeds going to Shiomitsu Sensei. It will be held at Seaham Leisure Centre, Co. Durham.

Friday Nov 6 – 12pm to 3pm
Saturday 7 – 12.30pm to 2.30pm
Sunday 8 – 12pm to 2pm

Please contact Peter on 07850 355 844 if you require details on where to stay and so on.

A group of Norwegians are coming so you can be assured of a good social event.


Course at Devon Wado Ryu – 6 Sept 2015.

On August 6, 2015, in General, by WadoG

Peter Hill sensei also says if visitors want to make a full weekend of training, he also holds three regular classes at the group’s Bideford dojo the day before on Saturday from 1.30pm to 3.30pm.

Please contact Peter if you require information on accommodation.
